COBOL Stored Statements


Application Program Failed

Action Type : SQL SELECT

In Pgm Section : SQLRT: SQL-STMT-GET

Error Message : Stored Statement PSPCKSGD_S_PRMPGRP not found


Viewing the Statement

In my case, the statement did not exist. So, I ran the DMS Script through data mover:
<PS Home>/src/cbl/base/pspcksgd.dms

Re: GLPJEDIT error.

Windows Tip: Windows Activation

One of the problems with using virtual computers is that the hardware is virtual and somewhat easy to change, but the Windows registration is based on the hardware. Sometimes copying the WPA.DBL file can fix the problem.

I didn’t keep good notes on this, but I think the problem was caused the updating the Vmware tools in an image. After those changes, the activation screen displayed and I could not login. So, I copied the wpa.dbl file from an old copy of the Vmware Image and overwrote the file in the new image. After that, I never saw the activation screen again.

I tried this same approach when I attempted to migrate a Windows image to a VMWare image. It did not work that time, and I ran out of time to figure out why.

File Location: c:\windows\system32\wpa.dbl


Windows Tip of the Day: Avoid Re-Activate Windows XP After a Reinstallation

Windows Product Activation (WPA) for Windows XP

Windows Product Activation (WPA) on Windows XP

Service Administration Tip: Environment for Change Assistant

This tip helps with getting Change Assistant to run. You have to get all the pieces talking together in order to use Change Assistant.

Start with the Hub

Log into URL http://<server&gt;:<port>/PSEMHub/hub

This page will tell you what processes are connected to the hub.

Determining the port —
check the configuration file: <weblogic home>\config.xml
Domain tag > Server tag > ListenPort attribute

or check the weblogic administration console
Click on Servers under Domain Configurations — Network Configuration
The port number should be listed in the Listen Port column.

If the hub is not running
change directory to <PIA home>/
one time startup:
startManagedWebLogic PSEMHUB
(all capitals for the PSEMHUB)
or install as a service
installNTService PSEMHUB
(make sure to also start the service)
Update: In Tools 8.49, the path is changed to <PIA home>/peoplesoft/bin

“Running the Hub on Multiple Servers”


change the file — <ps home>/PSEMAgent/envmetadata/config/
Change property hubURL to the valid URL for the Hub discussed above
Change the windowsdriverstocrawl or the unixdriverstocrawl to the locations where PeopleSoft is installed

Start the agent
change directory to: <ps home>/PSEMAgent
run StartAgent
change directory to: <ps home>/bin/server/WinX86
run psemAgentService /install <ps home>/PSEMAgent

“Running an Agent”
“Automatically Starting an Agent in Windows”

File Layout Order

One problem with the file layout editor in Application Designer is that you cannot see the fields in order in which they appear in the file. For XML files, this does not matter, but for CSV files or flat files, the order is very important, especially in troubleshooting.

Here is some SQL that will show you the fields in the correct order (Just replace the <File Layout Here>):

WHERE FLDDEFNNAME = '<File Layout Name>'