Query Tool that includes Meta-SQL

Once I learned about SQL Developer, I switched from using Toad as my Query Tool.   If I were to improve one thing though, it would be that the query tool understand Meta-SQL.  Now, if I copy SQL from PeopleSoft, say from an Application Engine, I have to remove all of the Meta-SQL tags that PeopleTools understands before I can run it.  Then, I have to replace them before copying back to PeopleTools.

I have thought about trying to write an extension for SQL Developer.  Does anyone know of any documentation about writing extensions or plug-ins for SQL Developer?  This might be a place to start.  Another route I have thought about is an open source tool called Squirrel SQL hosted on Source Forge.  It looks like it has a way to write plug-ins or extensions, but I haven’t been able to get it to connect to any of my databases yet.  To be fair, I haven’t given it a thorough run-through yet.

If you have any ideas or information, please let me know.