Step By Step Virtual PS Install: Configure OS

This is a continuation of my virtual PeopleSoft installation.  In this step, we will install the operating system in to the virtual machine.  To see the complete list of steps, click here.

Here are a few things that you will want to do to your new installation to prepare for installing the database and other components.

Screen Saver

Since we are running in VMWare, we don’t want the screen saver activating and locking the application.  You can lock the host instead if you need to lock something.  Go to the menu System > Preferences > Screensaver.

40.5-screensaver by you.

Uncheck the “Activate screensaver when computer is idle” option.

40.6-Screensaver-off by you.

VMWare Tools

You will want to install the VMWare Tools in your new image to make it work better.  Click on the “Install VMWare Tools” in the VM menu.

41-VMTools by you.

And, click the install button to confirm that you want to install the tools.

42-vmtools-confirm by you.

Give Linux a second or two to mount the virtual CD, and you should see the VMWareTools rpm and tar bar.

43-vmtools-mounted by you.

Next, double click on the rpm file.  You will need to supply the root password before you can continue.

44-vmtools-rpm by you.

Next, click the Apply button to proceed to installing the tools.  You may get a message about malicious software.  Since this rpm can from VMWare, we don’t need to worry about it.

45-verify-rpm by you.

Click “Install Anyway” and after a few seconds, the tools should be installed.

46-vmtools-installed by you.

Now, we need to make sure that the new service starts automatically upon booting.  Open a terminal window, change users to root (with the su command), and run the chkconfig program to add the service.  Here are the commands:

/sbin/chkconfig –add vmware-tools
/sbin/chkconfig –list vmware-tools

Prerequisite Packages

You will need to install the following packages that are required by the Oracle Database:

libaio-devel (disk 3)
unixODBC (disk 2)
unixODBC-devel (disk 3)
sysstat (disk 3)

To install the package.  Insert the appropriate disk the same way that you did for the installation (attach the iso file to the virtual drive or insert a physical CD into the physical drive).  Then, on the virtual computer browse to My Computer, CD Drive, Server folder and look for the appropriate RPM file.

46.1-package-install by you.

Kernel Parameters

Oracle Database requires some kernel parameters to be changed.  Don’t worry this is not as bad as it sounds.  More information can be found here.

Open a terminal and type:

cd /etc
gedit sysctl.conf

46.2-open-sysctl by you.

Now, add the following lines to the end of the file:

# Added for Oracle database
kernel.sem = 1250     32000  100   128
net.ipv4.ip_local_port_range = 1000    65000
net.core.rmem_default = 4194304
net.core.rmem_max = 4194304
net.core.wmem_default = 262144
net.core.wmem_max = 262144

When your done, save and close the file.  Then, run the command:

/sbin/sysctl -p


Oracle Database Installation Guide

Preinstallation Requirements

One Response to “Step By Step Virtual PS Install: Configure OS”

  1. Step By Step Virtual PS Install: Install Database « PSST0101 Says:

    […] At this point, the only thing that I did not have that did not pass was the networking, and that is because I still have my networking set to DHCP.  I want to keep the DHCP and access everything through the localhost.  If you have other things that do not pass, check the configuring the OS post. […]

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